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Cast Iron Cookery Lives!


I greatly appreciate every one of y’all for the love I’ve been given as I’ve built my brand up from nothing.

Cast Iron Cookery is much more than a brand though.

Cast Iron Cookery is me. As I continue on this journey of building my empire, I will always keep it real.

My recipes truly are inspired by tradition. I strive to keep them as traditional and handcrafted as possible, while still making them my own.

I have a lot of new recipes in the works. But I will always make sure they work without fail before I put them out there. I read into food theory, food culture, and absorb as much as I can.

So when y’all give my recipes a shot, you will fall in love with your cooking after that first bite.

This post is simply an “appreciation food porn extravaganza”!!!

Here’s some of what I’ve been dabbling with.

Tacos, Wraps, Sammiches, and more..

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